Welcome to my personal website.

This website was initially created when I was appointed to the Rockland County Legislature in January 2014.  I served in that position for one year and much of what I accomplished as a legislator is posted throughout the site.

Serving the people of Rockland's District 5 was an honor and a great learning experience. One year in politics turned out to be just enough for me. I am very pleased to be back representing businesses, individuals and families in the judicial branch of government-- something I have been doing now for over 30 years! 

I have not yet had time to revamp the site to be less politically oriented and more personal, but I hope that over the summer of 2017, I will have the time to make sure that the site is updated.Until then, I welcome you to read the blog posts ( hit the "Barry's Blog" tab and scroll down) from 2014 and also click the link to my law firm's page, www.KGGLAw.com  where you will find more information about my professional career and the services my firm offers.

You can also learn all about Sharon's Family Law Mediation Practice by visiting her site at www.sharonkantrowitz.com

Thank you for stopping by!


2017 ~ Barry S. Kantrowitz
Campaign Website by Online Candidate