Endorsement from Stephanie Ripps, District 5 resident
Barry is a man who, in the office or out, is always working to better the community. He has no agenda other than to help the people of Rockland County. Please vote for him on November 4.
Endorsement from Jeff Futterman, District 5 resident
Barry speaks with an independent voice and is not afraid to do what’s right. I feel like I have an advocate who truly represents my interests. Barry has made a significant difference in the short time he’s been in office.
Endorsement from State Senator David Carlucci
Barry is a thoughtful and independent voice for our community.
I need strong partners like Barry in the County legislature in order to continue moving our community in the right direction. I'm proud to support Barry Kantrowitz for Rockland County Legislator." - Senator Carlucci
Endorsement from Larry Weiss, CEO of Atlantic Tomorrow's Office, Rockland Business Association Board Member and 2014 Pinnacle Award Winner
I've known Barry personally and professionally for years. Barry's involvement in community leadership and his professional and business experience uniquely qualify him to help repair Rockland. I am pleased to endorse and support Rockland County Legislator Barry Kantrowitz for election on November 4 2014.
Endorsement From New York State Assemblyman Ken Zebrowski
As the former Legislator of District 5, I enthusiastically endorse and support Barry Kantrowitz for Rockland County Legislature. In his short tenure as a Legislator, Barry has worked hard to protect the financial interests of Rockland taxpayers, advocated for a monitor in the East Ramapo School District and proposed legislation that will provide needed oversight of pet dealers. Barry is a voice of reason and will continue to put people over politics.
Endorsement from Alden Wolfe, Chairman of the Rockland County Legislature
Barry Kantrowitz was unanimously appointed to the Legislature in January of 2014, and he got right to work, focusing on issues such as the New Hempstead Road construction, the rising cost of Medicaid fraud and fiscal oversight in the East Ramapo Central School District. Barry brings a fresh perspective to the Legislature, and his lifelong familiarity with Rockland, his legal background, his business experience and his history of community leadership all contribute to his effectiveness as a County Legislator. Barry Kantrowitz is a strong advocate for his constituents and an important part of our team. It's my honor to support and endorse him in the November 2014 election.
Endorsement from Jay Hood, Vice-Chairman of the Rockland County Legislature
I have just begun to work with Barry as a Legislator and he has already become a strong voice for his district. He is leading in areas such as stopping Medicaid Fraud and has also come out strong against the Chicken Processing plant and United Water's rate hikes. We are lucky to have someone of his skill and passion on the Legislature. I look forward to working with Barry for many years to come.
Endorsement from United States Congresswomen Nita Lowey
In a short time, Barry has become a dedicated and effective member of the Rockland County Legislature, working hard toward restoring fiscal stability to the county. As a long-time community activist, Barry understands the importance of including all voices in the legislative decision-making process. I am pleased to endorse Barry Kantrowitz for District 5 of the Rockland County Legislature.
Endorsement from Shirley Lasker-Fox, Clarkstown Councilwoman
Barry is right for District 5. I know he will use his intellect and compassion to better Rockland County. I'm proud to support Barry.
Endorsement from Paul Piperato, Rockland County Clerk.
I'm proud to support Barry for Rockland County Legislator. During his short time in the legislature he has proven to be a leader with integrity and has actively fought for the best interests of the residents of District 5. I know he will continue working hard to better Rockland County.
Endorsement from Alex Gromack, Supervisor of the Town of Clarkstown
Legislator Barry Kantrowitz knows what is important to you, your family and our Town. He is a strong advocate for the residents of New City and is willing to find new innovative solutions to make county government work better. I am proud to support Legislator Kantrowitz as a member of the Clarkstown Legislative team.
Endorsement from Justin Sweet, Clarkstown Town Clerk
I am happy to announce my support for Barry’s candidacy for County Legislator. Barry brings an independent voice from within the community onto the Legislature. He also brings an impressive set of professional skills that make him an excellent advocate. Considering the extreme challenges we face in local government now, we need people like Barry with the independence and skill to make the tough decisions that will get Rockland County back to fiscal sanity
Endorsement from Former Chair of legislature, Harriet Cornell
Barry has demonstrated his love for Rockland through his community- involvement and his approach to contributing his service to building a stronger and more cohesive Rockland . With his outgoing and friendly personality and his expressed intentions to reach out to all the people of L.D. 5, he will be a wonderful representative for them. His legal background, expertise and experience working with various ethnic groups in Rockland will make him a great asset to the Legislature.
It is an honor and pleasure to Nominate Barry S. Kantrowitz to fill the vacancy of a Legislator in District 5
To send me an endorsement, complete the form below.